Unsung Heroes 1898 Version 0.1.131 (Hotfix 2) + Controller Support

Still not as weekly as I was hoping this update to be, but the most recent hotfix is fairly significant. The whole game (minus the main menu, settings menu, and museum mode) is now using the new input system. This also means that most of the main game is now controller compatible. With this, I’ve added the complete controller layout page in the settings menu and have added button prompts for the map and strategy selection views that tell the player what buttons to press whether they are on keyboard or on controller. There are also a few AI and UI bug fixes (the former of which I found makes Las Guasimas map a little more challenging).

Game Improvements

-The new input system has been implemented for everything except the menus and museum mode. This means that the infantry, cavalry, and artillery units are now playable with a controller and so are the map and strategy selection views. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Crouch is now CTRL on keyboard, not the C key. Also, the look sensitivity might be too high. While I’ll find a new default value in the future, for now use the in-game settings to tweak things to feel right.

-Controller layout is now viewable in the settings menu, under the controls section.

-Keyboard and controller prompts now appear at the bottom of the screen for both the strategy selection and map views to remind you which inputs do what.

-Added localization for the map and strategy selection views (fully complete).

Bug Fixes

Player Movement

-The player hitboxes no longer clip through the ground when crouching or going prone. This previously made players invincible while crouching or going prone since the AI could not attack the player.


-The Troop ID display (the little blue square with a letter on it) now updates correctly to show the correct troop ID letter (how I missed this after nearly a whole year, I have no idea).


-While in DEF_StandbyCrouchingIdle behavioral state, infantry AI will now not target an enemy that was already dead and will instead search for nearby enemies (similar to another bug in the last hotfix).

-While in crouch, AI will also aim for the soldier’s body hitbox instead of the parent gameObject position (also similar to another bug in the last hotfix).


UnsungHeroes1898_V0_1_131 1.1 GB
Version 3 3 days ago

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